Welcome to Happy Snowflake Dance!

It's my experiment in joyful, marrow-sucking living.
Inspired by George Santayana's poem,
There May Be Chaos Still Around the World

" They threat in vain; the whirlwind cannot awe
A happy snow-flake dancing in the flaw. "

My Mission: a daily journey into Openness.

I hope you'll come along!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Thank you

As part of my morning walking meditation, I took the time to stop, admire the view, and write my gratitude for today.  My prayer of gratitude may not change my circumstances, but it changes me (to very loosely paraphrase CS Lewis' famous quote on prayer). 

Thank you for the ability to evolve, adapt, change, transform, to not stay the same forever. Thank you that who I am now is not necessarily who or how I will be for the rest of my life. 

Thank you for wisdom from on high, for humble teachers, for heart-opening conversations, for the deeper questions and small revelations. 

Thank you for Rumi, Rilke, L'Engle, Tolle, Kierkegaard, and others who pointed to ways to find you. You are the Creator who is hidden in all, you are in all, yet we cannot always see you. 

Thank you for this sacred game of hide and seek. You promised that if we would seek you, we would find you. Thank you for revealing yourself in a flower. Transformation is your modus operandi. Thank you that I still have time to change.

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