Hi all!
Hope you are doing well. I know most of us are in the midst of a transition right now which often brings great anxiety. I've been feeling like I need another 30 day happiness experiment. The point of this exercise is to spend 30 days focusing on the glass half full (or even abundantly filled and overflowing), rather than focusing on the negative (or lack or what we don't have or can't do).
I know this made a huge change in my life in 2009. In June 2009, I determined to spend 30 days "fasting" all negative thoughts and focusing on the kind of life and relationships I wanted. More than anything, I knew I needed to change my stinkin' thinkin'. I recognized that I had fallen into the rut of thinking "I can't" about everything, like "I can't get a job. I can't lose weight. I'm stuck. I can't...." I had an excuse for why I couldn't do almost everything.
But as you probably recall, I had a dream, an epiphany in which I dared to believe that maybe Jesus wasn't lying when he said that our words had power: the power of life and death, the power to move mountains when coupled with our faith, that nothing was impossible for those who believe, that ALL things were possible, that we could tell a fig tree to shrivel up and die or speak life to it, and it would happen. I realized that if I did not change my thought process, my life would continue to be one big, negative, self-fulfilling prophecy.
Even though I did not see actual, physical change in my circumstances for 3+ months, I fully believe that it changed the way I saw the world and I was a much more joyful and attractive person because I was happy. And my circumstances did change, too, eventually, thanks to some of you who helped. By the end of October 2009, I had moved to Portland, moved into a fabulous home within walking distance of university, and had a graduate assistantship which paid my tuition and a small stipend (which covers my rent and phone bill). All of which I had prayed for and thanked God for in advance.
I know it might sound like "name it and claim it" theology, but even the media understands the power of words to bring to life or death and to change or shape realities.
What kind of person do you want to be? How do you want to be remembered?
Do you look like a grumpy face?
Or like a jubilant person?
So I'm asking you to join me for 30 days of finding things to laugh about, rejoicing, gratitude, and no complaining or negative thoughts. If you have a negative thought, do as the apostle Paul suggested, "take every thought captive", acknowledge it and move on. Don't stay there and let it fester and become a cancer in your soul. Deuteronomy says "let no root of bitterness spring up among you and so defile many." In other words, spreading my bitterness around and grumbling and complaining is like a contagious nasty disease. I call it V.V. disease. Verbal Vomiting. Gross! Instead, the Bible instructs us to "choose life that you may live."
I, personally, apologize for contributing to this disease by judging and complaining and saying negative things. But, it's time for a fresh start, a new beginning. The key to stopping the old negative thinking though, is to replace it with fresh, positive, grateful thinking. So if you're having trouble blocking out all those fears, worries, anxieties, anger, and bitterness, begin by focusing on what you are grateful for. You can find at least one thing for which you are grateful. For me, it's as simple as "I'm grateful for a roof over my head and a cup of coffee." Focus on what you have. No more thinking about what you aren't or what you don't have. I'm grateful I have body which works. I can walk, see, talk, hear, communicate, etc. I'm alive.
If you want to join me, I am reading through the book of Philippians every day for the next 30 days. It's only 4 chapters long but it is rich and powerful and full of hope and pure joy. It's about humility and perseverance, overcoming the "impossibles", and purposely choosing our thoughts, controlling our words, forgetting the past, and being transformed into the kind of people we want to be.
If you want to shine like a star in the universe, if you want to be attractive and inspiring to others, read Philippians chapter 2 for the key!
You might be skeptical and think I'm a nut job or just plain wacky, but I know that I'm a happier, more content person when I dare to see the possibilities in the universe rather only the impossibilities. I dare you to try this with me for 30 days. What can it hurt? At the very least, you, too, will be happier and more pleasant and attractive because you aren't verbally vomiting on other people like I have done.
I love you all and appreciate you and am believing the best for you.
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