Welcome to Happy Snowflake Dance!

It's my experiment in joyful, marrow-sucking living.
Inspired by George Santayana's poem,
There May Be Chaos Still Around the World

" They threat in vain; the whirlwind cannot awe
A happy snow-flake dancing in the flaw. "

My Mission: a daily journey into Openness.

I hope you'll come along!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Life on purpose 2013

So hard to believe that it has been nearly a year since I posted in Happy Snowflake Dance!  In January and February of this year, I headed back to south India to act as program coordinator and co-instructor for Service-Learning in India,  graduate level courses in international service-learning, through Portland State University.  The first course (4 grad credits) took just over 2 weeks, while the 2nd course (also 4 credits) was a more intensive 5-day class at RUSS Foundation.  We had a wonderful, powerful group of women this year, making the experience rich and insightful on a whole new level.

I'll post more soon about the details of the trip.  I'm currently writing a paper on spirituality in international service-learning, focused on "cultivating the sacred".

It's nearing the end of March, most of my family is in transition, as am I...and it feels like time again for another 30 day happiness experiment; time to focus on what I want, and how and who I want to be in this world.  I hope my family will join me in this journey.

As always, I still believe that gratitude changes everything.  If not our circumstances (which I think it can do that, too, on some level, if only in the way others perceive us or respond to us), it changes our perceptions of the world.  As old Zig Ziglar used to say, sometimes you've got to "change your stinkin' thinkin'."

I've been reading the book of Philippians again and finding great inspiration and hope.

So here's to another 30 days of changing perceptions, daring to dream, living life on purpose, and changing our own realities.

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