Welcome to Happy Snowflake Dance!

It's my experiment in joyful, marrow-sucking living.
Inspired by George Santayana's poem,
There May Be Chaos Still Around the World

" They threat in vain; the whirlwind cannot awe
A happy snow-flake dancing in the flaw. "

My Mission: a daily journey into Openness.

I hope you'll come along!

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Venting my band frustrations…

I spend dozens of hours getting ready for our once a month Band Sunday.  We can no longer keep playing the same songs from 40-50 years ago if we want to reach a younger audience or even our own modern worship-loving parishioners.  

So, I am constantly:

  • Listening to new songs, critically, with an ear for sing-ability for the congregation AND for sound theology
  • At the same time, trying not to overwhelm the band with all new music every month, so I have to find old songs with which they are already familiar
  • researching the scripture readings for that Sunday, 
  • then researching appropriate songs, 
  • finding and paying for sheet music when needed, downloading the music, 
  • deciding which key is best for the singers, 
  • finding copyright permissions, 
  • checking the livestream licenses, 
  • doublechecking permissions,
  • re-writing lyrics to be more gender neutral or less "violent",
  • writing new arrangements of the sheet music to fit the time constraints, 
  • looking up FREE video links for the band members to watch so they can get familiar with the new songs before we rehearse, then sending those FREE links to the band with reminders to PLEASE LISTEN to the songs…
  • emailing the team semi-weekly, 
  • reminding the team of rehearsals at 5:30 on Thursdays
  • setting up and showing up for rehearsals every week because the band says they need weekly rehearsals to which only a few show up, 
  • sending everyone the sheet music, edited, weeks in advance when possible
  • then making sure everything is printed correctly (checks and double-checks for the double-checks) in the church bulletin, in advance, 
  • then practicing at home so I can lead rehearsals, 
  • because the new music director (church organist) is uncomfortable with contemporary music… fair enough. We all have our comfort zones. And if I’m honest, the new person is getting more and more comfortable… YAY!  
  • I also try to reach out to individual band members to show appreciation and try to encourage them, and let them know that we do not take them for granted.

That's what I bring to the band.  I know I'll regret this egoic, plaintive post later…. Can you guess I'm a little frustrated with some of my team right now?  I love them.  But I do all this work and some of them don't even practice or listen…. The end result is very poor musicianship.  

But first, I need to acknowledge that when I first came back to the band after taking a sabbatical, several band members helped find the sheet music and researched the copyright/ live-streaming permissions.  They even made paper copies for the older band members who do not use electronic formats.  And one gal still helps with getting all the copy / lyrics ready for the church bulletin, making sure every word is correct, working with both me and the church secretary.

I guess, unless you have poured your energy into a project, you don't really understand how much work goes into the behind-the-scenes…. 

But then, I have to let people live their lives as they see fit. I understand that not everyone feels the same commitment, because …well, LIFE is so much more than this.  I mean, life is busy, so I get it.  And I just have to let them be.  I can’t impose my desires on others.  They will do what they feel is right for them, and

I have to be at peace with that or I add to my own suffering.  The more I reflect on it, the more I see how much others have been doing for the band in the last year that I was away.  I’m grateful for all their help and contributions and eye for detail.  So, really, I’m not doing this alone at all, even if my rant seems to imply that I am.  

I am grateful for a team of musicians who enjoy leading at our little community.  I especially am thankful for the most enthusiastic members who help push new music into our gatherings!  So, no more pity party.  Time for a GRATITUDE PARTY!  Woo hoo!  I think I need to go write some “Thank You” notes to my team members for all their help.

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