Russell Brand's Revelation on
It's April 1, 2021. A new day. Today is Maundy Thursday in the liturgical calendar, the night in the church in which we remember the Last Supper, before the Christ was executed by people caught up in their ego-selves.
Listening to Russell Brand's Revelation: Connecting with the Sacred Everyday Life on Audible makes me want to laugh and cry and applaud his honesty about this addictive part of our lives. He is brilliant yet down to earth, logical but spiritual, profound yet simple, human but definitely looking for the divine...
Like his own chapter 3 on the sacred and mundane, Russell Brand personifies both. And he points out that we all are both sacred and mundane. We are both ordinary and extraordinary. His line of reasoning is spot on! When he talks in chapter 2 about our human systems of oppression and ego-centric selves, there is still hope! It is not depressing, but enlightening! There is a sense of joy, even as he deliberates his own bouts with hypocrisy. His openness about his own struggles with ego self, materialism, addiction, and awakening are refreshing! I sense a wave of new freedom! And as always, even with all of his intensity, there is humor. It's just breathtaking.
I'm going to listen to chapter 2 for the third time as I walk. Something in what he said made me think of Jesus' 40 day fast. It's still Lent for a few more days... maybe I will be able to let go of my own addictions this time and find out how and why Jesus fasted. I mean, I know it was about "dying to the false or ego self", but how do I let go of my own forms, while accepting them at the same time? Maybe my own hold on things and food and this sense of self will finally be broken. Maybe I can find true freedom from addiction. I don't want to just substitute one addiction for another: fasting for overeating, or addiction to exercise instead of overeating, or falling back into the addiction of judgment or even adopting a new addictive ideology, which feels really good and makes me feel "right and righteous". I want to truly lay all those down and find "God"... not my ideas of god or spirit, but find true spirituality, a wholistic, integrative way of seeing the universe and celebrating it and participating with it.
After Brand confesses his own participation through action and inaction in a global system which perpetrates crimes against the sacredness of the universe, he states, "The reason I want to talk to you about God, about revelation is because I believe we need a new way to conceptualize divinity and sacredness to survive. And if we don't, there is no point in surviving."
In chapter 2, Brand quotes the Kali Yuga. It sounds apocalyptic like the book of Revelation in the Bible.... yet, Brand points out that all these "disasters" are less like Nostradamic prophecy and more of a "prognosis based on deep knowledge of the principles that underwrite reality beyond perception"!!! Yes, thank you! This is logic. This is NOT fear based eschatology or end of the world hype, which feeds on the energy of more fear.... it's addictive! Fear feeds on fear. Fear turns to anger and hatred and violence.
I see my own family is practically paralyzed in fear and hatred and anger thanks to all the "End Time" preachers like Rev. David Wilkerson, Rev. John Hagee and Fox News' own cult leader, Tucker Carlson. While they lament the state of America (no sense of global, shared humanity or compassion here- there's no room for it with fear), they rush home nightly to feed their addiction to Tucker Carlson's End of the World diatribes and laments. This kind of prophecy does NOTHING to help humankind. It only leads to more fear, more distrust of "others", more "tyranny wrapped in an American flag" and thumping a Bible. I know this sounds really judgmental right now. But, I finally have compassion for those trapped in this ego-driven, fearful self. I was also caught up in that destructive way of perceiving the world for 50 years! I mean, what else can they do if they don't know that there is ANY other way to be in the world or to see the world? This type of insanity is the norm, as Eckhart Tolle very often points out. How can it be otherwise for them or for me or for any of us unless we take that immense leap into faith?
As Brand so simply puts it, this is a logical natural order and sequence or consequence of events. It is the natural, ordinary, even predictable outcome of human behavior! It's logical, not supernatural. Reflective of Jesus' own attitudes toward "sin" and "hell", seen as a natural consequence in this lifetime of our choices, rather than some future state of paradise for members-only or a future state of eternal damnation, this makes perfect sense. Yes, even the prediction that earthquakes and natural disasters will increase only makes sense when one recognizes the impermanence of this physical world or the basic laws of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy (or chaos and disorder) always increases with time! This isn't a dire prediction of doom and gloom for the future, but a "revelation" of the condition of the physical world.
For all my friends and family who love to quote the ominous, end of the world predictions attributed to Jesus at the end of the gospel of Matthew (chapter 25), we must realize that Matthew the tax collector, who lived by a sort of balance book accounting, rights and wrongs weighing each other out, missed Jesus' worldview completely! Matthew's retributive sense of justice is always scaled toward punishment, rather than seeing that God has always loved us and always will. He misses this beautiful connection with all things. Read Matthew's accounts of Jesus' parables and almost inevitably, there is a twist like a knife at the end of his version, one which almost always includes some judgment or meeting out of punishment. Unfortunately, like Matthew, we make empty, vain, self serving ideologies out of Jesus' death, but we forget his life and his powerful truths about the nature of reality.
Brand states, "In advocating for a return to the sacred, I'm not evangelizing for any one faith, far less any doctrine, simply that you elect to commune with the beautiful connection between all things over separation". Well said, Brand, well said!!
Brand goes on with his soul-searching questions, questions which I am asking myself:
"Who would we become if we could let go of self obsession? Who would we become if we stopped doing what we know to be wrong and start doing what we know to be right? "
This is Brand's invitation to "practice."
Can I use these questions to guide me during this 40 day fast? Can I embrace each moment as it comes? Can I be fully present now, to this moment, each moment? Can I let go of everything that holds me back from seeing this oneness with the universe, with God? Can I find meaningful connection to the oneness that is everywhere and in all? Can I see my family in this same way? Even making this my goal misses the point. Why? Because it is future-focused, rather than present moment being.
We want to transcend, not to escape this life of joy and suffering, but to be fully present to every moment as it is. I want to find that good news that Jesus talked about, that the kingdom of heaven is here, now, not some distant future paradise, but a transformative view of the world (and yes, myself as a part of that universe) now.
Solutions based on the very systems which oppress will not lead to transcendence. Ideology, even these very thoughts I write now, will not work if they come from the same useless worldview which dragged me to where I am today. Only from transcendence can we find transcendent ideas... this is grace upon grace!! And grace does not come from us. It is from God, undeserved, unmerited... Oh, that really smacks against our meritocracy beliefs in America! Grace.
Perhaps I'll write more about this in the future as I begin to grasp it myself. Who knows?
But for now, how do we live this transformation? What to do? How do we find the sacred within us, or that connection between us, the abiding presence of God (Brand 2020)?
Brand's advice:
"Having spent the first part of my life augmenting the self through gratification, fame, and indulgence, unconsciously tainting even the most admirable of endeavors in activism-the ego's easy colonization of righteous action- I am exploring spiritual solutions."
Brand's stated purpose in writing Revelation, "I want to find a new way of talking about God that is useful and meaningful to a culture that is inadvertently becoming nihilistic, angry, and inert, to broaden the conversation..." Hear! Hear! The very word or idea of "God" has come to be so toxic, its connotations so fearful, so hateful, so oppressive or dreary for so many, that it has lost its power. Brand uses the word, "God", in a sense reclaiming it, but redefining it in a meaningful, purposeful, relevant way. He says, "God can mean many things; transcendence, imminence, purpose, love, union, harmony. Above all, 'God' must mean that there is being beyond our comprehension..." So, for those who shy away from any conversation about "God", but sense deep inside the truth that all is one or even that something more exists in the world that you can't measure or prove, this audiobook is for you!