Modalities of awakened doing: from Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth (final chapter)
Random thoughts and notes from A New Earth.... Ego, with all its desires and “not wants” and lists and judgments does not have to limit or dictate the rest of my existence. Being fully present now in alert attention, not just reacting to everyone/thing around me, aligning with the creative power of the universe around and in me is a different approach to living. This is still less a question of WHAT should I do? And more HOW should I be in the universe? This is about letting go of self (ego, identity with all forms) and finding the universal Christ that is in all and through all. According to Tolle, all three modalities may be in use in any given day.
This is all based on the principle of, at the very least, not doing harm to others.
- Acceptance- inner acceptance of what is, now. This is inner peace. Surrendered action. The only thing I can really take responsibility for is my state of consciousness. PEACE.
- Enjoyment- a sense of aliveness in what I am doing. It’s not about wanting something other than what is. It is embracing this moment as my focal point, and joy flows from that! Joy manifests when I accept and embrace right now, what I’m doing, how I am being. Not waiting for some vague future. Enjoy this moment, this experience. Joy does not come from what we do. Joy comes from within, and because of that, I can enjoy what I do! I will enjoy any activity in which I am fully present or alive. Empowerment and creativity comes when I embrace what I am doing now. Think of all your daily, tedious tasks. Allow them to be the space for alertness, awareness. You are alive! You can enjoy this moment! Find the joy of being in what you are doing. JOY!
- Enthusiasm is creative manifestation . Your outer purpose aligns with inner purpose (awakened consciousness). Deep enjoyment of what is, plus a goal of what you want to do. Energy and intensity with great enjoyment, passion! There is a balance between this joyous energy and the goal. If the goal becomes all important, you become stressed. Enthusiasm resonates with the creative power of the universe. EnTheos= in god.
Enthusiasm does not exclude, use or manipulate others. Enthusiasm gives out of its own abundance. It does not make enemies. Ego cannot exist with true enthusiasm. Peace and joy are at the center of enthusiasm. There is no ego, no identification. Enthusiasm comes in waves. It lifts others around you, too. This is also overwhelming, overflowing LOVE. Wherever real LOVE exists, ego and all its fear-based assumptions cannot exist. This kind of LOVE is what it means to be “in god” (enthusiastic). Richard Rohr says that God unites himself to what he loves (see The Universal Christ).
From Jesus’ sermon on the mount: Blessed are the meek (the ego-less), for they shall inherit the earth. The kingdom of heaven is here now. Utopias/ heaven do not exist in some vague, never appearing future. Heaven exists now in those who awaken.
Other thoughts this week on the wisdom of trees. Lessons in being. Acceptance. Not Striving. Trees don’t strive. They just exist. They grow and bend and sway and sigh and do what they were created to do. We could learn a lot from trees. See Jesus’ words about flowers in Matthew 6. Do not worry about tomorrow. Live now. Be now. Embrace now. A tree with a broken branch does not feel incomplete or strive to prove that it is a tree.
Tao Te Ching- 22: Embracing the imperfect. Imperfection is completeness. There is a beauty in accepting imperfection, like finding the beauty in these broken shards of blue pottery on the ground.
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