On a Lighter Note: Humor in the Service-Learning Experience
International Service-Learning can be overwhelmingly serious at times as students wrestle with issues of power, unearned privilege, social justice, and cultural imperialism. It’s in moments like these that I remember how humor can bring balance and perspective to the weightier issues of service-learning.
And so, I wrote an Ode to the Cockroach Coach as a light-hearted way of seeing what for some might have been a traumatic event (the train ride from Kanyakumari to
Ode to Cockroach Coach
From Kanyakumari to great
We count up the critters,
My friends and I.
Cockroaches crawling all over the train
As we play, “would you rather…”,
Bam! There’s a new stain.
There’s one over your shoulder!
There’s one in your hair.
Ewwww. Cockroaches, cockroaches everywhere.
Slap! goes a sandal.
Smack! The bug is down.
The travellers around us disapprove with a frown.
Gina got forty!
Matthew got ten!
How many want to play this game again?
Anyone? Anyone?
Anyone at all?
The train is leaving…final call.
No? well, don’t worry
If you didn’t play.
Maybe you’ll ride another day.
On the Cockroach Coach
from Kanyakumari to
We count up the hits,
My friends and I.
And as we pull into the station,
We heave a sigh.
Though no one is sorry to say, “Good-bye”
To the Cockroach Coach
from Kanyakumari to
I think one goal of service-learning trips is to try to maintain balance. In our enthusiasm to respond to the needs at
Reading Resources
Barnet, S. and Bedau, H. (2004). From Critical Thinking to Argument: a Portable Guide.
Chisholm, Linda A. [ed.] (2005). Knowing and doing: The theory and practice of service-
learning. International Partnership for Service-Learning and Leadership.
Chisholm, L. (2003). Partnerships for international service-learning. In B. Jacoby and
Associates (Eds.). Building partnerships for service-learning, pp. 259-288. San
Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Crabtree, R. (2008). Theoretical foundations for international service-learning.
of Community Service Learning, 15(1), 18-36.
Cress, C. Collier, P., Reitenauer, V., & Associates (2005). Learning through serving: A student
guidebook for service-learning across the disciplines.
Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed: 30th Anniversary Edition.
Hooks, b. (2010). Teaching Critical Thinking.
Lutterman-Aguilar, A., & Gingerich, O. (2002). Experiential pedagogy for study abroad:
Educating for global citizenship. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study
Abroad, 8, 41-82.
Montrose, Lynne. (2002). International study and experiential learning: The academic context.
Frontiers, Winter, 1-15.
Parker, B. & Dautoff, D. (2007). Service-learning and study abroad: Synergistic learning
Sperling, R. (2007). Service-Learning as a Method of teaching Multiculturalism to White College Students. Journal of latinos and Education, 6 (4): 309-322.
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