Sister Maria-Therese and Dominique were wonderful! They took me all over from Wisques to Laon to Reims.
I suddenly felt emotional. I actually teared up at dinner, much to the concern of Dominique's husband, Stephane. anyhooo.... like everything in this life, the moment passed and I enjoyed the conversation at dinner.
Sister Maria-Therese was an amazing guide. She studied the history of the church, and has served at several of the abbeys along the way. She understood the architecture and design of each place. And as intimidating as an old nun can be, she was also wonderfully generous. She bought several postcards for me to share along the way.
So, I stayed last night in a tiny village called Nesles, about 10-20 miles or so from Reims. It's very hard to judge distances now. We toured the cathedral of Laon in the afternoon, then went to Reims to see the pilgrims cathedral (constructed around 1100-1300). Reims is the place where St. Remy baptized Clovis, the first frankish king. It is also the place where the kings of France are coronated and consecrated.
Joan of Arc helped ensure that Charles VII was crowned King of France at this very spot.
After Sammy and I got back on the trail, we stopped by a champagne vineyard in the heart of Champagne-Ardennes in the late afternoon. This is a region which was practically obliterated during the war of 1914, as they call it here. Many of the cathedrals are still under renovation after World Wars I and II.
We passed by many cemeteries with thousands of crosses of soldiers who died during the First World War. Though in this part of France, they consider that they have fought 3 major wars here. The war of 1914, the war of 1917, and the war of 1939 against the Germans.
But, it's time to run.
Will post photos later. Can't seem to be able to find my photos on this computer right now.
Next? I think I'm off to Reims to pick up the trail there. I will try to walk early in the mornings to avoid the heat of the day. It's a bit much for Sam to walk in the afternoon. Temps are in the 80s during the day. Not bad. But very hot in the sun.
I'm feeling very grateful for the help of strangers!!!!
It's only been a week, but I've been incredibly blessed to meet such lovely people who have opened their homes and hearts to me. Thanks be to God!
Jana--I'm so enjoying reading about your journey. You are so brave and blessed...I'm living vicariously through you :)