I am more convinced than ever that Jesus wasn't messin' around when he told us that what we believe in our hearts and what we ask for or speak with our mouths WILL be done by our heavenly Father.
People look at my life right now and say things like, "WOW! how did you end up living in such an amazing place? We've lived here for years and always dreamed that we could afford a place up there on the hill." Or "how did you get a paid graduate assistantship with a tuition remission? Those are so hard to come by right now with University budget cuts..." Or "how are you able to give generously to others when you had NOTHING only 7 weeks ago?"
It is amazing how things have turned out. I'm so joyful and grateful. I feel like I'm saying "Thank you" non-stop. First, let me say that I am deeply indebted to my family and friends who helped me out.
But if you want to know why things are finally working out for me, after years of hardship and struggle, go back and read the first month of entries in this blog. I'm simply beginning to reap the harvest of my words and the intentions of my heart (with the grace of God). It's no real credit to me.
I just finally decided to believe that God is not a liar. And if he's not a liar, then there must be some truth about what he said about the attitudes of our hearts and the words of our mouths in creating realities. But you can read all about my thoughts on the Grand Unifying Element and laws of the Universe from my blogs in June.
All I can say is that if it worked for me, it can work for you, too. Don't believe me? Try it for yourself. What kind of realities do you create with your words? Are you living the life you want? What kinds of things do you believe about yourself? What kinds of words are coming out of your mouth? I'm just now reaping the harvest of the words I spoke this past June. It may not happen overnight, this shift in the universe, but it will bring joy to your heart if you let it.
Now before you throw me out as a heretic, go back and read the blogs from the beginning. I'm only summing up a bit here and hoping to challenge you to think about what comes out of your mouth. Are you verbally vomiting on everyone around you? Or are you encouraging yourself and others? You CAN change your mind, change your life, and change your world!
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