Thanks to Bill Geist of CBS News, I heard about a church in Kansas City which is hoping to change their personal habit...of complaining. They are each on a mission to go 21 days (the magical number of days for beginning a new habit) without complaining.
They wear those rubber wrist bands (like the Lance Armstrong "Live Strong" bands). Every time they catch themselves complaining or criticising or using sarcasm or making rude remarks, they switch the band to the other wrist. The goal is to not move the band for 21 days.
The theory behind it? The brain is like a manufacturer, manufacturing thoughts. The mouth is the consumer. If we continue voicing our frustrations and anger, the brain will keep producing more angry, frustrated thoughts. If we stop voicing those negative thoughts, the brain will stop manufacturing the negative thoughts.
It's an interesting concept. On one hand, I get it. Complaining never solves anything. And chances are that it only brings down the person who listens to the complaint. On the other hand, psychologists tell us not to bottle up our negative feelings. The Psalms are full of King David's complaints. But, David did not usually stay down. If he began a compaint, he usually came around to seeing a bigger perspective by the end of the psalm.
In fact, David often complained, but he would get it out of his system and then CHOOSE to focus on hope. I don't know if he complained to other people though. Perhaps, he only made his frustrations known to God....hmmmmm. It's something to think about.
In the meantime, I reset some of my goals for new and better habits last week, including going 21 days without complaining. So, I guess it's time to begin a more positive way of thinking. The worst that can happen is I'll be a happier, more positive person. Thus, this blog about the happy dance...
But I am perplexed...How would New Yorkers communicate? They may have to learn a new skill with the new habit...pantomime! And even that is suspect...I've seen more than a few "salutes" in New York involving hand gestures from cabbies, business people, and mother's of pre-schoolers. Maybe someone should tell them that that kind of pantomime is not acceptable according to the complaint-free rules.
I'd like to join you on the no complaining for 21 days, but I think I need a 12-step program for it! - Tammy